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The next-gen Grasshopper optimization tool.

Tunny Input

🌊 Variables

Tunny support Number slider, GenePool & Fish Egg. Optimization is performed when this value is changed by Tunny. FishEgg input is not required.

In this example, FishEgg is input, so x1=-1.03, x2=-10, and x3=-7.25 are the first combination of variables that will be evaluated when the optimization is run.

It is recommended that components be given nicknames, as this makes it easier to understand the resulting process. Here it is named x1, x2, x3. The genepool values are nicknamed from the top as genepool1, genepool2, and so on.

🐋 Objectives

Optimization is performed to minimize the value input here. Multi-objective optimization is also supported.

Each objective value have to be separated to a number component. It is recommended to set nickname like input variables.

🍤 Attributes

This input is optional.

The Construct Fish Attribute component allows you to set an Attribute for each trial of optimization. "ZUI" is supported, so you can increase the number of inputs to any number and set Attribute.

The nickname of the Construct Fish Attribute component input is stored paired with the value entered as the name of that Attribute.


The Geometry input has a special meaning; what is entered here will be displayed as a Geometry when the results are sorted in the FishMarket component described below. Curve, Surface, Mesh, Brep, and SubD are supported, but inputs other than Mesh are not recommended due to the large size of the resulting file.


The Constraint inputs are also special inputs. The values entered here are the constraints in the optimization. When this value is less than 0, the trial is feasible. Constraint conditions are supported by TPE, GP and NSGAII.

Tunny's optimization constraints are called "soft constraint". Although some optimization results may not satisfy the constraint, the information that they do not satisfy is also used to find the optimal solution.
